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Katie Page Reflexology

All in the last year!

Whilst in Lockdown this is what I did to keep myself busy?

I walked, I cooked more, I learnt a huge amount!

I learnt how to write a course and how to make books. I started a new project to learn how, through Amazon, to make Notebooks, Journals, Planners and maybe if I get the writing bug again a book!

I went on a rather steep learning and creative journey. It was mind blowing, amazing and brain addling all at the same time.
I found new creative skills via an app called Canva and when I put them together with the knowledge from the course, drum rolls please...

I am delighted to say I have created 3 notebooks! these are all are Royal sized 100 white paged lined notebooks.

Kiss your Frog

Love your Frog

Mumford, Proud to be a Mumford

Why Frogs? I have been a collector of frogs for many years. I have some beautiful frogs scattered around my house as ornaments, a doorstop or two and garden features.

Frogs, I am told have a variety of meanings, the meanings I focus on are that they signify “Transformation, Change, Fertility and Prosperity”.

  • I am currently going through a huge business change and transformation.
  • Fertility, I have been blessed with several ladies coming for Reflexology who are wanting to use the benefits for Pregnancy and so the frogs in the house are now more prominently displayed.
  • Prosperity, we can all do with a little bit of prosperity.

Why Mumford? Mumford was my maiden name. My great aunt once said Mumford ladies are not stubborn but determined! This is one trait I probably have.

If I cannot do something the first time I will try and try again to resolve it. I suppose that this is what I did during lockdown. I could not work but instead of resting on my laurels I picked up the gauntlet and found something to focus on.

Why a notebook? Notebooks are an extension of my business. They will give all my businesses credibility as in an extension of the treatments or advise I give.

My accomplishments:

Lockdown 1
I wrote a book! I say Phuket it has a great hashtag of #myreflexologstwroteabook This book is all about my transformation with self care and limiting beliefs to enable me to go to Thailand.
I laid a 2p floor in the porch, now that was a mission!
I learnt Facial Reflexology and Gua Sha treatments

Lockdown 2
Went on an Instagram Course and a Course writing Course.

Lockdown 3
I wrote a Course about Social Media content
I created 3 notebooks; these are test books for me so any feedback would be appreciated. All are £4.99 and are sitting on the Amazon shelf. Bing bong!

Learning and achieving new skills has a great sense of achievement. It makes you stand tall and proud.

I will continue learning throughout 2021 and I look forward to sharing these learnings with you.

#proudtobeamumford #katiepagereflexology #nightingaletherapy #kissthefrog #loveyourfrog #pregnancyreflexology #transformationandchange #prosperity #newchallenges #isayphuket #myreflexologistwroteabook #facialreflexology #guasha #forearlylearning #achievementsduringlockdown


My nose has started to twitch :(

On my daily walks I have noticed that, even though we are still in early March, my nose has started twitching. This means only one thing; the pollen season has started. Hay fever is usually worse between late March and September.

Today we have had a sunny and windy day. The trees have started to burst into leaf, and with the wind the pollen would have been floating around. The hay fever season starts in March for me with the tree pollen, especially the birch pollen.

How will I help combat the symptoms? These are the actions I take to help me:

• Nasal washes, I use a nasal wash, Sterimar Breathe Easy Daily, Sterimar Spray - My Saviour
• Facial massage/reflexology to help with the inflammation of my sinus’.
• Vaseline around my nose when I am out walking.
• Remove my walking clothes when I come in and wash them.
• Try to wear clothes that have buttons, so I do not have to take off over my head.
• Wash my hair daily or wear it up in a hairband.
• Now we are wearing masks more this is helpful.
• I wear sunglasses when I go outside.
• No flowers in the house ☹

All the above are necessary for me and I hope that you have found some of the tips useful and will be easy to adopt into your life. You can also take antihistamines and use corticosteroid nasal sprays.
I am adopting all the above from tomorrow as I get really sore and inflamed sinuses and a snotty nose. I do not wish to stop my walks. Prevention is best.

Katie x

Written Sunday 7th March
The link to Amazon is an affiliate link and if you purchase I will receive a small commission

What a Rollercoaster week!

What a week! Anyone else been on a rollercoaster ride this week?
Lockdown 3 is affecting us all in very different ways. The underneath shows you what a turbulent week of emotions I have had.

Here are my highs and lows:

High - was given a £15 Amazon voucher for being on a course and sharing with my business work colleagues.
Low – Chris said Kates, I am being dripped on! I look up and water is coming through the light fitting and dripping onto my husband, his chair, and the carpet.

Low - a local school decided in their wisdom to not accept a discount voucher I had donated for their school raffle as they wished to have a full treatment voucher. Hmm, now that could be a whole blog in itself!
Low - dropped my phone on to a gravel path. Smashed the screen protector. I am pleased I have always invested in a screen protector.

High - Hubby had his vaccination for Covid 19. Happy this has happened.
Low - He has since had a temperature reaction, slept, and snored! Today he says he is feeling better after a massive sleep. Hmmm can I have a nap!!

High - good old Amazon voucher was used to buy a new screen protector. Easy come easy do! This is the one I used, and it has been amazing. It has saved my phone twice now.
Excellent Phone Screen! link
High – Started a new course, another Journal is in the making, I cannot wait to share this with you.
High – received an apology from the school.
Low – Sadly, I will not be donating to them going forward.
High - Received a Stationery Box of goodies from I AM Claire Clark, light bulb post its, frog message pad, pens of all shapes and sizes, funky paper clips, to name just a few... Can you still get excited about Stationery in your 50's!

High - It is Friday, it is the end of the week. PT session completed.
High - My Friday walk is planned.
High - I have a call with my accountability buddy today, we put the worlds to rights.
High - Finally, the Naughty Crew have their Friday night video call. Now this call always puts a smile on my face.

As you can see the week got better. Every day I still Journaled, set out my intentions for the following day and wrote down 5 things I was grateful for.

Wishing you a happy weekend
Kates x

Written Friday 5th March
The link to Amazon is an affiliate link and if you purchase I will receive a small commission

Half Term Self Care and Being Kind to Yourself

Have you forgotten that it is "Random Acts of Kindness Week"? Being kind is crucial in these times as you never know how someone else is feeling on the inside. Today I would like you to be kind to yourself!

I have shared in my Facebook Group today that I would like you all to be kind to yourselves. We have had a tough time. We need to refuel and part of that refuelling is reconnecting and being kind to ourselves.

There are a number of ways we can do this. Here are my 4 suggestions:

  • Exercise ~ Getting outside is one of my ways of clearing away the noise in my head.
  • Quiet time ~ Silence, a period of reflection, time to find peace in life
  • Meditation ~ Meditation is calming on the mind and body
  • Reading ~ Immerse yourself in a book about a positive journey or positive experiences.

    I find Exercising a cleansing thing to do, especially in the rain! Meditation and Quiet time, Oh how I have missed this this morning, but I will make sure I get to do this later today. Reading is a great way to lift our own mood and spirits.
    You could read, and, I will, of course, suggest to you that my book "I Say Phuket" is available on Amazon I Say Phuket. It is about my journey to realising why self care is so important.

    A short blog today but an important one ~ #bekind especially to yourself today.

    Kates ~ 15/02/21

The POWER of Self Care and Being Kind to Yourself

Hi I am Katie Page and I am a Complementary Therapist, specialising in Reflexology. I help people, especially Ladies, achieve a calming balance and peacefulness so that they can focus on achieving what they need to achieve. My role in a treatment is to help relieve my clients of the stresses to allow the body and mind to switch off, rejuvenate and be calm.

Covid 19 will pass, I know it is tough but it will only be as tough as you make it! You may have to adapt, you may have to think outside the box. You may have to go outside of your comfort zone but you will achieve anything you set your mind too.

My live on Facebook today (17/04/20) was about “Being Kind” and encouraging my clients to “Just be kind to yourself”. The emphasis, at the moment, is on staying at home and being safe. We especially need to remember to be kind to ourselves. There is no right or wrong way to feel, this is all new territory for us all. No one can be a role model for you, we just have to do what we think is the right thing to do. We have all mastered live chats, Facebook messenger videos, Sykpe and maybe Zoom but is this all we need? Sometimes, it’s time to ourselves that we do need. We need to relax, breathe and be calm. We are not usually the first in the queue to be put first but I ask you this, is 30 minutes of “you time” a sin?


I thought initially "What a load of..."

However, I learnt how to relax to do meditation in Thailand. I am a convert. Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person.

It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective.

I use the Calm app to listen to guided Meditations, however, there are numerous other apps and online meditations you can use if you do not have access to "Calm".

Many people start meditating to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and to cultivate peace of mind. I find that meditating has helped me over the past few weeks.

I have a special photo and quite often look at this whilst doing meditations, visualisations and calming down my mind.


Again, a new skill I’ve recently learnt to be extremely beneficial. Triangular breathing is amazing. Try this 5 times, breathe in for the count on 5 through your nose, hold for 3 in your lungs and breathe out through your mouth for 5. Controlled breathing is so relaxing.

Triangular breathing is a powerful, yet extremely simple. This breathing exercise may help to clear the mind, relax the body, and improve focus.


At the moment we are still able to exercise outside, the weather is getting brighter and the nights are a little longer.

Why not go for a walk, just 10 minutes on your own, plug into a motivational podcast, listen to a couple of your favourite happy tunes or connect with nature and listen to the bird song.

I religiously listen daily to a 10 minute mediation. Do triangular breathing for 10 minutes and I love getting outside for my exercise time. OK I do my hour but 10 minutes is just as good.

Selfcare is key in my life and the only person who can make sure I get this time is me. Actually, selfcare is so significant in my life at the moment that it has become my mantra!

I mentioned earlier that I went to Thailand in October 2019. When I came back I realised that a number of the skills I had learnt I could not easily do or share with my clients so soon I will be launching “Sole to Soul Sanctuary”. Sole To Soul Sanctuary helps exhausted & busy ladies feel energised and nurtured. Giving them a space to focus on their own selfcare and selflove. We can achieve this by mixing together visualisations; meditations; relaxation & breathing techniques and positive thinking.

Don’t forget Ladies, you are simply the best, you are strong and collectively WE ARE AMAZING.

Katie Page
Facebook: Nightingale Therapy Reflexology
Instagram: NightingaleTherapy

Katie Page ~ 17/04/20

The POWER of Detoxing with Reflexology

After the festive indulgence, we all need a body MOT to flush away our Christmas sins, stodge and over indulgence.

Let’s start with eating the right foods that will give you a body re-boot by helping you to cleanse, energise and try and lose a little of that Christmas weight you’ve put on.

However, our bodies may well need a bigger helping hand, REFLEXOLOGY could be your answer ?

In the slower, colder, winter months, our bodies tend to store more toxins since our detoxification organs are impacted by inactivity and the over indulgences of Christmas.

For a limited time Nightingale Therapy will offering an aid to Detox Add-On with every Detox Reflexology session booked.

My aid to Detox will focus on your lymphatic system, kidney, lungs, liver and colon and could help ‘jump start’ your detoxification system, starting you on your way to an internal spring cleaning.

I suppose you are asking how does Reflexology, a gentle therapy work through your feet, will it help detoxify the whole body? Well.... It's all about the blood flow.

Did you know? Over 7,000 nerve endings are found in each foot! Reflexology could help to deeply relax the body which then allows the blood vessels to dilate, in turn promoting increased blood flow to the whole body. With increased blood flow, the detoxing organs and the lymphatic system are able to function at their maximum peak.

When your body is in a state of “stress”, the blood flow is sent to key areas of the body, diverting it away from other areas such as the intestines and gut. While this ‘hardwired’ body response was intended for short duration, many people are now experiencing a chronic level of stress to some degree. This results in the detoxification process not being a priority! Due to stress your detoxification organs are given less blood flow and cannot perform optimally, which could lead to weight gain.

During a Reflexology treatment, the cleaning organs and lymphatic system are flushed with the proper amount of blood flow and can perform naturally and effectively as we regain your bodies natural balance, hurrah.

With my aid to Detox, I will focus on your detoxification system (lymphatic system, lungs, kidneys, liver and colon) to bring more blood flow to these organs and jump start your internal cleanse. In fact these areas will be worked twice! Once during your treatment and again during your specific aid to detox treatment.

So it’s time to:

BOOK in each week/biweekly for your Detox Reflexology,
DROP all snacks;
DITCH the refined sugars; take a break from alcohol and bin the junk food!
START eating more Protein, Vegetables and
ADD in a little exercise

Katie Page ~ 02/01/20

The POWER of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

After training with Sally Kay back in August 2014, Reflexology for Lymphatic Drainage has never failed to amaze me!

In October I met a lovely lady, who we will call Lizzy*. Lizzy, in her eyes had hugely swollen ankles, she had had this swelling for at least 4 years and in her opinion was attributed to a rare side effect of taking anti depressants.

Lizzy had seen other therapist over the past year or so but no one had been able to reduce the swelling of her feet or ‘given her back’ her ankles.

After I had taken her notes down, Lizzy said “I think Katie, I’ve messaged you before! “ So I checked my phone and she had, all the way back in September 2015.

It was obviously meant to be as Lizzy came to see me in October. We took photos so that we knew where we had started and measurements of her foot.

Timing wasn’t brilliant as I was off to Thailand on a Retreat but we managed to fit in two treatments before I went, the results with just two treatments were fabulous and Lizzie was very happy.

At treatment 2 - we remeasured and the difference was quite dramatic, however I was off for the next three weeks.

I gave Lizzy exercises to do, reiterated the aftercare advise and we kept our fingers crossed. Lizzie kept up the self care and since coming back, I have seen Lizzie every week and this week we decided to compare pictorially before and after! WOW... the different was amazing and Lizzie is extremely happy!!

Photo underneath, bottom three photos are from initial treament, top three photos are after 7 treatments.

Lizzie is now coming to see me every 3 weeks and soon this will be extended.

* My clients name has been changed to respect her privacy

Katie Page ~ 28/11/19

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